Project Monitoring Software
The client needed to digitize a humanitarian project and make data-driven decisions when providing farmers financial support. We delivered the platform that made it possible.

The Сhallenge
The client started a humanitarian project aiming to help more than 100 farms with 8000+ employees in Africa to improve business management and operational skills. A three-year educational program focused on training farmers in finance, marketing, management and other business activities to help them become more effective in running business operations.
The primary goal was to identify the farms that succeeded in business development the most, and provide them financial aid. Access to the finance would help the business owners to implement the acquired knowledge and grow their business.
Such a complex process required digitalization. The client needed a system that would help to manage training sessions, monitor the farms development and get a clear and precise picture of the project progress helping to make necessary corrections along the way.
The Solution
After learning about all the aspects of the three-year program and its key indicators our team built a mockup and a detailed specification for the solution that covered all the requirements.
The solution allowed us to build detailed information about farms and employees, register training sessions to get a clear picture of the project progress on a dashboard with the key indicators of the programm.
As a baseline data each farm got an automatically calculated score based on 67 financial and operational indicators. The project managers had to be able to track training sessions and see how the program influences the score of each farm over time.
The Results
Our team delivered a platform that satisfies the client's needs and expectations. The platform allowed the client team to become more efficient in running and managing the education programs without hiring more project managers and without compromising on quality.
A comprehensive dashboard aggregates results from different sources giving the project managers an actual picture of the project progress and helps to make data driven decisions when choosing which farm is ready to get financial aid and able to grow its business.
Our team keeps working with the client constantly adding new features and helping to make the platform more powerful. We also provide the client with technical support and IT consultancy which helps the team to focus on the humanitarian project.
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